[Non-binding translation of the Swiss Confederation]
Extract from the Ordinance of the Swiss Financial Market
Supervisory Authority on Financial Market Infrastructures
and Market Conduct in Securities and Derivatives Trading
(FINMA Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance, FMIO-FINMA)
of 3 December 2015 (Status as of 1 January 2016)
Chapter 5: Disclosure of Shareholdings
Section 1: Notification Duty
Art. 10 Principles
Art. 11 Indirect acquisition and indirect sale
Art. 12 Trading in concert or as an organised group
Art. 13 Emergence of the notification duty
Art. 14 Calculation of the positions requiring notification
Art. 15 Equity derivatives
Art. 16 Other facts requiring notification
Art. 17 Securities lending and similar transactions
Art. 18 Collective investment schemes
Art. 19 Banks and securities dealers
Art. 20 Takeover procedure
Art. 21 Preliminary ruling
Section 2: Notification and Publication
Art. 22 Contents of the notification
Art. 23 Supplementary details
Art. 24 Notification periods
Art. 25 Publication
Art. 26 Exemptions and easing provisions
Section 3: Monitoring
Art. 27 Disclosure office
Art. 28 Procedure
Art. 29 Investigations
Chapter 6: Duty to make an Offer
Seciton 1:
Art. 30 Applicable provisions
Art. 31 Principle
Art. 32 Indirect acquisition
Art. 33 Trading in concert or as an organised group
Art. 34 Calculation of the threshold
Art. 35 Definition of the duty to make an offer
Art. 36 Transfer of the duty to make an offer to the acquiring person
Art. 37 Return of the duty to make an offer
Art. 38 Duty to make an offer and conditions
Art. 39 Period
Section 2: Exceptions to the Duty to make an Offer
Art. 40 General exceptions
Art. 41 Particular exceptions
Section 3: Determining the Offer Price
Art. 42 Stock exchange price
Art. 43 Price of the previous acquisition
Art. 44 Indirect prior acquisition
Art. 45 Settlement of the offer price
Art. 46 Evaluation of securities
Art. 47 Exceptions
Chapter 7: Cooperation between FINMA, the Takeover Board and Stock Exchanges
Art. 48
Chapter 8: Final Provisions
Art. 49 Repeal and amendment of other legislation
Art. 50 Transitional provision on the disclosure of shareholdings
Art. 50a1 Transitional Provision to the Amendment of 26 January 2017
Art. 51 Commencement
Legend to Symbols
The arrow symbol pointing to the right indicates that the relevant provision was the subject of a decision by the Takeover Board or the appellate bodies, respectively, the essence of which is highlighted by takeoverpractice.ch in concise decision abstracts.
The red arrow symbol pointing to the top right indicates cross-references to other provisions. You can view and activate the cross-references by moving the cursor over the arrow.
Important information for the use of takeoverpractice.ch
Decisions covered by takeoverpractice.ch
The case law covered by takeoverpractice.ch comprises all published orders of the Takeover Board as well as all related appellate decisions of the FINMA and the Swiss Federal Administrative Court, rendered since 1 January 2009. To the extent that such decisions explicitly refer to recommendations and decisions rendered prior to the said reference date, such decisions are also referenced in takeoverpractice.ch.
Case Law Commentary
The navigation pane offers an access under "Case Law Commentary" to the wanted regulation (law, ordinances, TOB circulars).
With a click in the left-hand column on the title of a provision, which is marked with the corresponding symbol, the full text of the provision concerned is displayed, with the relevant symbol indicating, which paragraphs of the provision are annotated by decision abstracts.
If you click on a selected paragraph or on the relevant symbol, respectively, the Case Law Commentary window is opened in the right-hand column. As a start, a table of contents is displayed, showing the topics dealt with under the relevant provision. There, you can get access with a click to the corresponding decision abstracts, either selectively for a specific or comprehensively for all topics shown. If requested, separate lightboxes with the underlying original excerpts from the decisions concerned can be opened out of each decision abstract.
In addition thereto, the lightboxes offer the possibility for a direct download of the entire decision as well as of any further documents relating to the corresponding transaction, as they are published on the TOB website www.takeover.ch.
Legal Provisions
On the page "Case Law Commentary" the section "Legal Provisions" allows an easy access to all current takeover regulations in .pdf format as well as to the immediately preceding versions of any overridden provisions. This direct access to the legal provisions is completed by useful concordance tables, in which any overridden provisions are put in relation to the provisions currently in force.
Search Functions
Under "Full Text/Decision Search" in the navigation pane, the following three search functions are available. The search results are displayed in a clearly arranged manner, including references to the relevant context:
Full-text Search: Search for single or several terms or text passages, respectively, in all decision abstracts, decision excerpts and legal provisions.
Decision Search: Search for all decision abstracts and decision excerpts relating to a decision or a transaction, respectively.
Search on TOB Website: Link to the search functions on the TOB website www.takeover.ch.
Proposed Wording for Citations
"takeoverpractice.ch – Art. x, para. y [Abbr. Regulation], [URL-address of the referenced site] (visited on TT.MM.JJJJ)",
e.g. "takeoverpractice.ch - Art. 125 para. 1 FMIA, <https://wwwl.takeoverpractice.ch/commentary/FMIA/125-1-> (visited on 01.01.2016)".
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